Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Progress Report (3/21 - 3/27)

This week: I was able to fix the incorrect way the shape function was drawing. I also added functionality to above 90 degrees and below -90 degrees (this was a previous limitation). I find the current way shapes draw beyond the +/- 90 degrees to be slightly awkward looking.

Next week: Get feedback on what I currently have and work accordingly

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Progress Report (2/29 - 3/6)

This week: I was rather busy with other work. First, I added a second demo, this demo is merely a start with a SprayCan setup already and two codelets. Second, I slightly editted the GGGui.html, this was mainly a sidetrack, but if I did what I intended properly GG should still work. I can however revert easily if needed. Third, I continued progress on Shapes, I removed the error that was there, then there error that the fix caused.

The filled shape with no angle            The filled shape at a 50° angle

Though the shape on the right looks close to correct, it is not. The control point locations error become much more obvious at low or higher degree angles.

With all other parameters the same and an angle of 5°, the error becomes quite obvious.

Next Week: I would like to tackle my logical error involved with the control points. This is the last foreseen problem for the shapes other than the angle limits, which should be much easier to fix.