Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Progress Report (12/7 - 12/13)

First off I apologize for not really posting at all on my blog in the past few weeks. Moving on.

This week: I have attempted to work with Java2D to make the arcs rather than through the use of multiple calls to moveby3d and changing the heading during the loop. After much thought of how to get the arcs drawn by Java2D to work how they are intended to work and a few tries, I have decided that it would be best to not use Java2D's arcs. This is because of two properties of Java2D arcs: 1. The way I would be using them would not be the way they were designed, This would mean hacking their properties to get them to work the way I want them to; 2. The ability to change the width along the way of the arc would not be possible by merely redrawing the arcs based off the way they are drawn. To explain further, an arc constructor takes 6 floats and an int for type. These floats are 4 for the box, an X and Y for one corner and a width and height of the box, as well as starting angle and angle extent. For 1, the way the Java2D arcs are designed the arguments define a box that is the space that contains the arc. The arc is contained within this space and is drawn around the center of the box, this is not what we are looking for since we have is a starting point; with the starting point not every being able to be entirely within the box, we have to move the box. This would seem hackish but theoretically not that difficult. For 2, the ability to change the width of the arc seems to me much more hard and hacked than reason 1, this is because I see no way to change the width of the arcs as they are draw other than to repeatably use them and that would be a complete waste because the whole reason was to use Java2D arcs instead of repeatably using dots/lines of move by. Unless I am informed otherwise I believe that Java2D's arcs would not be the best form to use this. In that respect I updated the code on my computer to use more calls of move by to be sharper. Sadly this is not a form of anti-aliasing that Professor Eglash asked for, it merely looks better than the previous form.

The first form, which while it looks good, some of the lines are choppy on the smaller arcs of the letters.

The second form does indeed look better. I personally didn't realize it at first because I was mainly
focusing on the larger red arcs.

The last thing I did was to update the heading to be counter clockwise and not clockwise. This change was made to work with standard of counter-clockwise angles in mathematics.

Next: I plan to discuss what the other think of the arcs, I feel silly taking so long to make progress on this, but I have been busy with other class work and I was quite honestly a bit stubborn on the idea that I should make this work. After finally clearing my mind of other classes for a bit I realized the difficulty of getting Java2D arcs to work as we want them to work in this program

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Progress Report (11/9 - 11/15)

This week: I struggled to update the Grapher files at the website www.ccd.rpi.edu/eglash/csdt/pcsdt/GG/. Today I met with Eddie and he helped me update the files.

Next week: I will show off my updated Grapher and see what is liked/disliked. I will go from there and change accordingly. After that I plan to find what else to add/change/remove.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Progress Report (11/2 - 11/8)

This week: I removed the codelets move by, move arc, write text, and increase line width by. I also renamed the codelets Move By 3D and Move Arc 3D to Move Straight and Move Arc. I made two new codelets, set heading and change heading. These codelets take a number and modify the direction to move in. Set is absolute and change is relative to the current heading. Although I have added more codelets, the overall feel is much less intimidating than before. This is mainly due to the decrease in the number of total arguments within all codelets. Lastly, I updated the demo script to work with the new set of functions.

Next week: Rework the codelet to draw arcs. I fear that the current way may be better if changed to not use iteration rather than the angle sweeping idea proposed. I will discuss this in the next meeting.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Progress Report (10/27 - 11/1)

This week: I fixed the function MoveBy. As of right now it is only locally fixed and I cannot commit.

Before: This would just fail and crash the program on a MoveBy function.

After: This now performs the MoveBy correctly and continues

I also thought of an idea to change the 3d functions (MoveBy3d, DrawArc3d,etc) to have the width change parameter to all be like the MoveBy3d, make these so they are total width change instead of each iteration. As of right now some are total and some are with each iteration, by making them all total this would lead to everything being similar and would make the program feel less like iteration which is what I believe Profressor Eglash wants.

Next Week: I plan to ask about my 3d functions idea and find out how to commit. I believe all I need is to be put into the list of those who are allowed to commit. I have a file Eddie gave me, but it appears to be from July, so I also plan to ask about what else to do and make sure they still want to implement the ideas that haven't already been implemented.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Progress Report (10/19 - 10/26)

What I have done this week: As of this week I can now compile and run the project to use the applet. I have read over some of the Core code as well as some of the Grapher code.

Next week: Attempt to read and understand the rest, or at least enough to start working in confidence. Also I plan to read up on Jogl. Having worked with Java so little lately I am relearning to an extent.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Progress Report (10/12 - 10/18)

What I accomplished the past week:
I set up my blog for my weekly progress in the project. I have installed the NetBeans IDE on my laptop and desktop. I set up the subversion within NetBeans by using Professor Eglash's information to log in  temporarily. I believe I checked out all the files without checking them back in, and am unsure how to fix this. Sorry to all those affected.

What I plan to do:
Gain more understanding of the Subversion as well as the code. Figure out what must be done to relate the core. I remember seeing something related to this in Professor Eglash's office during the first meeting I attended. Also, Figure out how or what must be done to link this blog to the CSDT Developers' Blogs portion of the wiki site.