Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Progress Report (2/16 - 2/22)

This week: I removed the error from last week. I started the shapes I was asked to do. I have the lines set up, but the arcs between are not set up as of yet. This should not be too hard to set up, I merely didn't get around to it. For the time being the size is exaggerated to make it more visible.

Next week: Finish shape and possibly move on to reducing the complexity of the scripts.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Progress Report (2/9 - 2/15)

Sorry for the late post. This is what I would have posted a couple days ago.

This week: I attempted a simple way of using super sampling to alleviate the jaggedness of the current arcs. This however didn't work. If I were to pursue this further it would require more work to be done but should be doable. I however would not likely be pursuing this. The main progress of this week was in my meeting with Jed. We met and he helped me to reach a possible solution. I did not have time to implement this solution, but plan to do so soon. Lastly, I commited the files on my desktop which worked but when I pulled them on my laptop running the project results in an error.

Next Week: I plan to fix the error and start implementing what Jed has informed me about

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Progress Report (1/26 - 2/8)

This post is for two week because I forgot to post the previous week. Both weeks were rather frustrating and disappointing. 1/26-2/1 being in regard to the end of attempting to use Java2D arcs and attempting to find another solution to draw arcs that can use built-in antialiasing while being able to change the width of the arc. Professor Eglash suggested Bezier curves, and these would likely work. The width part I would find out once I got there, assumingly a teardrop shape with a filled inside (if possible). I plan to use QuadCurve2D arcs. Sadly I struggle with the math that is required to set up bezier curves. This week (2/2-2/8) in specific I have basically been learning about bezier curves, but I have made little progress in regards to the project once again. Overall I feel I just need to give more time on this project.

Next week: I plan to spend more time next week on the project and ask questions whenever I feel stuck from here on out. I hope to find some sort of help for this part relating to QuadCurve2D arcs because I am stuck.